FFF - Core: More Than Just Abs?

CORE: More than Abs
Core training involves several muscles, NOT JUST ABS.
When we train our core, we need to understand what that really means. Core training is the fundamental basis and a necessity for any exercise program.
What is Your Core?
You core consists of your abs, back, pelvis, and hip muscles - basically, everything that supports the spine. In order to properly perform more sophisticated exercises with heavier weights, we MUST have a strong core first. This is because all exercise requires our core to be constantly engaged.
For example, when you perform bicep curls, your core is active to maintain proper form so your biceps can do the work. If you begin to sway your hips during a bicep curl, this is improper form: core is not working, and neither are your biceps! Core is everything.
A strong core will help prevent injury, provide a stable base for strengthening your larger muscles, and promote good posture (which helps provide a more "lean appearance" - slouching makes us frumpy!).
Core Exercises
Core exercises require proper form, so it's important to watch a video, or seek help from a fitness professional. Many people find they don't get results because they are not performing exercises properly, and really, that's just a waste of time!
Sample Exercises:
- Pelvic Tilts
- Stability Ball Reverse Crunch
- Bird Dogs
- Deadbugs
- Plank
- Glute Bridge
- Clamshells
- Leg Raises & Single Leg Raises