Journey To A Better Butt

Everyone wants a better butt, right?! But the key to getting a better butt is to first figure out what kind of better butt you want! Some of us want bigger butts - we lack any muscle mass in our glutes, and want to build up the backside. Others want toned butts - we don't necessarily want them bigger, but we want them to look nicer and have "shape". Let's dive into this further....
Goal #1: Bigger Butt
In order to get a bigger butt, you actually should NOT CUT calories! If you want to lose weight, you take in less calories than you burn. However, if you want to "bulk up" in any way, you need to take in a healthy surplus of calories to help build muscle - this includes getting a better butt. The key is not to gorge on fatty foods, but rather, consume foods higher in protein and healthy fats, and ensure you are getting all vital nutrients for the day. In addition to a consistent glute routine, you'll be on your way to a better, bigger butt. In the gym, don't be afraid of the big weights for your glute exercises!
By performing tougher glute exercises and eating an excess of calories, the muscles targeted during your workouts will use that fuel to build up bigger and stronger.
This goal involves: bulking, shaping and toning of the glutes.
Goal #2: Toned Butt
If a toned butt is your goal, this means you don't necessarily want a bigger butt, but you want a more round, better-shaped backside. This means we don't need that surplus of calories to support bulking. We can continue our normal workout routine (running, elliptical, lifting, etc), however, we now are going to incorporate more glute exercises. Our workouts should be performed with higher reps 12-20, medium resistance, and incorporate leg weights and breistsanceands.
This goal includes toning and shaping of the glutes.
Before you start ANY glute goals, it is important to develop a sound foundation. You must strengthen your back, hips, ab, and smaller glute muscles, to help strengthen & support the bigger movements later down the road.
A strong core is the foundation of a better butt. By building up your core, you are correcting posture, gaining strength, and progressively preparing your body for harder workouts. Core is so vital, and it is important to continue with these exercises all throughout your fitness lifetime!
Preparing for a Better Butt:
1.) Know your goal: toned or bigger?
2.) Get your core ready - if you haven't been on a consistent fitness schedule, it is important to progress into glute exercises by building up your core first.
3.) Work those glutes! - the best glute exercises are those that force you to use your 3 main glute muscles: medius, maximus, & minimus. Without working ALL 3 muscles, you will not have the shape you want.
**Check out the exercise page for specific glute exercises**