5 Non-Boring Exercises to Try
Basic squats and planks are great, but they can get boring!
Check out these unique lower body exercises to tone and torch calories:
Lower Body
Double Band Walk With Squat Pulse - 1-2MIN
1.) Put a resistance loop bands above your knees and another around your ankles.
2.) Assume a shallow squat position and move laterally 5-10steps, staying low in the squat position the entire time. *Keep your toes facing forward/parallel with your knees*
3.) After 5 Steps, squat pulse for 10 reps and return to the lateral walks, facing same direction.
4.) Repeat for 1-2mins.
**Great for lower body warm-up**
Sumo Squat Pulse on Toes - 1-2MIN
1. Assume a sumo squat position.
2. Bend down into the sumo squat and lift yourself onto just your toes.
3. Remain in this position and pulse here for 30s-1Min+
**For an easier version, alternate which toe you lift, or pulse in just a sumo squat with feet flat on the floor.**
Reverse Lunge-Squat-Forward Lunge - 1-2MINS
Exactly like the title! You'll perform each exercise right after each other for 1 rep, and then alternate legs.
1. Perform a reverse lunge.
2. Immediately go into a regular squat.
3. From squat, go into forward lunge (with same leg as reverse lunge).
4. Go back into squat and repeat with opposite leg.
5. Repeat alternating legs for 1-2 mins.
**This takes some rhythm but is a great lower-impact exercise to keep your heart rate up!**
Upper Body
Bicep Curl to Punch - 12-15 EACH SIDE
1.) Assume a regular bicep curl position.
2.) Perform a full range bicep curl.
3.) At the top of your bicep curl (when the dumbbell is nearest to your face), rotation your hand out and punch across your body with the weight.
4.) Repeat with same arm and perform all reps on one side before switching to the next side.
Bent Row To Kickback To Fly With Pause - 10-12 EACH SIDE
1.) Assume a bent row position, with a dumbbell in one hand.
2.) Perform a bent row, and immediately perform a triceps kickback.
3.) Pause at the top of your triceps kickback, squeezing your triceps for 5s.
4.) Return to starting position and then perform a chest fly. All 3 exercises = 1 Rep.
5.) Return back to starting position again and repeat by performing bent row, etc.
Repeat for 8-12 reps each arm.
Upright Row To Front Raise to Lateral Raise - 10-15 TOTAL
1.) With dumbbells in hand (5lbs or lighter), perform an upright row.
2.) Immediately perform a front raise and then a lateral raise.
3.) Return to starting position and repeat for 10-15 reps.
1 Rep = 1 Upright row, 1 Front Raise, 1 Lateral Raise
**Shoulder muscles are unique in that they can be strengthened with light weights. Use 5lbs of lower on these, and increase reps for intensity if needed**